You’re in great hands

The team at Wingfoot Wellness & Hormones will strive to make all of our patients feel welcome, safe, and taken care of .

During your first visit, our practitioners will review your lab results and thorough medical history as well as provide education and resources.


New Patient First Steps

It is recommended to get labs prior to the initial visit, but it is not required. The benefits of having current labs before the appointment can help to facilitate a plan of care that same day. While you may have recent labs, we may require additional labs to help better assess you. Either way, plan on bringing copies of any prior laboratory testing you've had in the last year, as well as any and all nutritional supplements and prescription drugs you are taking.

If you need copies of your lab work or office notes from a previous provider. you can request them directly by calling that office and having them sent via our Medical Records Fax at (949) 404-8512. Or, you can bring them in by hand and will gladly scan them into your chart.

Most lab companies such as LabCorp and Sonora Quest have patient portals. This is an additional way to get a copy of all of your lab work prior to your appointment.

Don’t worry if you do not have any old labs to bring. We will complete all of the necessary labs in office.

We can write an order for any lab company, however, we have contracted with a couple for the best rates for both insurance payers as well as cash payers.

We use a private lab company that can draw you at your home or in our office, we can send a lab order electronically to the commercial labs such as Lab Corp, or we can hand you a lab requisition for any other lab.

For Cash Pay Only: We have negotiated heavily with LabCorp for great cash pay rates. These labs need to be done in our office for the discounted rates, but fortunately this is both convenient and far less time consuming.

For out of state patients, we can create a lab slip and email it to you so you can complete them in your home state.

Once an appointment is made, our staff will contact you to discuss the lab draw options with you.



Although our office does not accept insurance for the office visit, we charge a modest fee of only$200 for new patient visits and $85 for follow up visits, which is only a fraction of what is charged at the majority of cash-based practices. We also help our patients save money elsewhere by negotiating prices for medications and labs to get the best deal possible.

We do accept insurance for all other services such as labs, medications and imaging. We will have a form on our website that you can fill out if you would like to apply your visit to your deductible.

You can also use flexible spending or HSA to pay for your visits, labs or anything else from our office.

After much consideration, our providers have decided not to accept insurance for visits because it inhibits us from caring for our patients the way we want to. Insurance companies are not obligated to pay a set amount for a service or services rendered, regardless of what that service entails. They dictate how many patients the providers have to see in a day to be profitable, and can still reimburse only a dime for that visit. They also limit the number of “problems” that you can bill for.

For example, in traditional offices where you are using and billing insurance, during a wellness exam, you cannot discuss any other concerns with the provider such as hair loss, sleep, mood, thyroid or weight. Have you ever noticed this? Try talking about your ingrown toenail at your next wellness exam and you will be told to make an additional visit for that. In addition, you must make an additional appointment to discuss two of the five remaining issues This leads to unresolved problems and frustrations for both parties. This is no fault to the provider who cannot control these regulations. They are crunched for time (around 10 min per patient) and are forced to keep things as brief as possible in order to get through all the patients for the day. While this may work for someone going in for a common cold or infection, when dealing with the complexities of the endocrine system, there would be no way to even gather enough information from the patient to begin a plan of care. For this reason, our visits include many different aspects of a patient’s health and life. We cannot simply focus on “hormones” at a hormone visit because there are so many cause and effect relationships that occur within the body. We want to find the root cause of the problem instead of applying a temporary band aid on it. Our initial visits average an hour with most follow up visits averaging 30 min.


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